lucky number seven.

We have news!

We have been keeping the biggest secret... well, not really, but... kinda.

We are expecting a rainbow baby this September!!

We found out NYE that we were expecting... Midnight came and after a kiss to ring in the new year I figured, why not take a test a few days earlier than normal, I mean, could there be a better way to start off a new year? To my surprise, it was POSITIVE! A few days later I called my reproductive endocrinologist at our fertility office (Michigan Center for Fertility & Women’s Health) and although we weren’t being monitored our last couple pregnancies I asked if they would take me back and monitor me with this one. They quickly started me back on my prenatal vitamin and a progesterone supplement and the following week I headed in for an ultrasound. A beautiful little yolk sac had formed! This gave us so much hope because it was something different than all the times before.

A week later we headed back in to see one of my favorite ultrasound techs in the office and there was our little baby!!! I called the baby a seahorse from here on out, because that’s exactly what it looked like! We saw flickering and they picked up a heartbeat of 130 just at a short 6 weeks 5 days along... this was huge. This meant “graduation” from the fertility specialist and on to my normal OB.

At 8 weeks we saw my normal OB and went through all of the normal first appointment questions and answers and received another ultrasound of what now just looked like a blob with a strong heart rate of 172. Cautiously optimistic we told our parents and hoped for the best. 

Not long after this appointment I started to feel ALL of the pregnancy symptoms that honestly no one really truly prepares you for. I spent the first trimester living on bread, crackers and sometimes fruit because I was nauseous every single day, ALL day for a solid 6-7 weeks. Awful. Truly awful. This right here is why I’ve been MIA personally and professionally. Feeling so awful I had to take a step back from kjkphotographs and take care of me and my tiny human for a bit. Some of you questioned that and already had a feeling as to why :)

Trying to find words to express just how excited we are is basically impossible.

After three years and six losses we are finally expecting a perfect little baby girl! 

Now, at just over 14 weeks with baby girl measuring about a week ahead, I am so happy to be saying goodbye to the first trimester, hello to the second and hello to all the yummy food I’ve missed!!

+ getting to share this special news with all of you! 

There are so many special things about this pregnancy.  Whether you’re religious or spiritual or just simply believe in miracles, I believe this little girl was sent to us by my beautiful Aunt Linda that left us all too soon last October... my reasoning for this? This little girl’s due date is my Aunt Linda’s birthday!! September 13th! <3 Whether she comes on her due date or not I will always believe that my Aunt had something to do with sending me this perfect tiny human. My Aunt was an amazingly strong and resilient woman and truly a force to be reckoned with and I am so thrilled that our little girl could potentially share her birthday with such an amazing soul.

Thank you to all of our support system that already knew our little secret and kept it over the last 14 weeks with us! We couldn’t do this thing called life without all of the love from all of y’all!! 

We’ve waited for this for so long...
Can’t wait to share this beautiful journey with all of you!

I have to give a huge shout out to Samantha Bronsing Photography for bringing us into her amazing studio and making all of our baby announcement dreams come to life!!! Thank you for being an amazing photographer and a friend!! <3

xxo, Koiya

kait + jon

I love when my sessions take me fun places! Spent the day with Kait and Jon for their Engagement Session and it was so much fun! They are season ticket holders for the Detroit Red Wings so we were able to get into Little Caesar’s Arena for the first part of their session. After that we went to the Fire Station that Jon works at to take some portraits there. Jon and my husband actually have a little bromance and work for the same city!! Kait and Jon are dear friends of ours so it was truly a privilege to be asked to take their Engagement photos. I love how you can totally see their playful and silly side in the photos!

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emeline rose

These two came to me for their Maternity Session and quickly became one of my favorite couples! I had the pleasure of photographing their beautiful baby girl and them as a family and I have to say, now they're one of my favorite families! I loved their Newborn Session!! The nursery was adorable and Emeline Rose was even more adorable!

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